Energizing Vital Boost Massage Membership
Experience a deep tissue massage combined with energizing stretches for joint health. This treatment incorporates dry body brushing, a warm bean bag on the shoulders and torso, and hydrating organic berry oil and cream. This holistic approach boosts lymphatic circulation, releases joint tension, and energizes sore muscles.
Membership pricing reflects the amount that will be charged per month. You are paying for the initial month. After your order is submitted, The Spa will contact you to confirm your membership order. A 6-month contract is required and will be finalized on your first visit.
Spa Membership Pricing and Terms
Spa membership pricing reflects the monthly charge, with payment required for the initial month at the time of purchase. After your order is submitted, The Spa will contact you to confirm your membership. A 6-month contract is required and will be finalized during your first visit.
Reboot + Refresh Terms for Spa and Gym Memberships
Regular spa membership conditions apply. This special offer is valid exclusively for new gym and spa members and cannot be applied to existing or previously purchased memberships. Spa Memberships: The sale price is valid for the first 6 months only and will automatically renew at the original spa membership pricing after the initial membership duration.
Gym Memberships: A 12-month commitment is required.
Persona Training Package Sale: Sessions need to be used within 90 days of purchase.